

杰瑞·德怀尔首席执行官, 是哈伯德·霍尔热处理产品组的市场经理吗, 黑色氧化物和磷酸盐. His background and experience have established him with knowledgeable insight into the world of heat treating and metal finishing. Dwyer specializes in the above processes and has over a thirty-year history in the heat treat and metal finishing industry. 德怀尔拥有化学和生物学学士学位.

我们最近采访了他,问了几个关于热处理市场的问题, 以及他认为制造商使用这些澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的未来趋势.


Q: Can you tell us a little about your background and how you became involved in the heat treating market?

JD: I’ve been servicing the heat treating and metal finishing market for my entire 30+ year career. I’ve always been on the supply side offering customers chemistry for their businesses. Hubbard-Hall has both high heat and quench products for captive and job shop needs; our quench salts, 油, 聚合物在工业中是众所周知的.


JD:热处理领域有很多不同的方面, but in a nutshell: a metal is worked and made into its desired form or state and then heat-treated for its practical applications or intended use.

Q: You mentioned that your customer’s purchase quench 油, quench salts, and polymers from
Hubbard-Hall. 为什么他们会选择一种淬火介质而不是其他的?

JD: It all depends on what’s being processed and the end-use of the item being heat treated. 例如,淬火盐主要用于等温回火过程. Salt is ideally suited for austempering since it has the desired working temperature range, 到在淬火过程中最终形成banite的地方. 最终的结果将赋予工作良好的硬度以及期望的延展性. Quench 油 and polymers are employed when greater hardness is wanted with the sacrifice of some ductile characteristics to the work. 零件在油中淬火,操作温度比盐低, 导致更严重的淬火,从而获得马氏体.

Q: Can you give us examples of parts that might be processed in a salt operation as opposed to a quench oil or polymer?

JD:在盐法中需要热处理的典型部件包括弹簧, 汽车视频, 剪草机刀片, 工具,如内六角键和扭矩扳手, 这样的例子不胜枚举. Any part that would require some “give” under torque or tension, but needing good hardness 也.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to using salt as opposed to the other quench mediums available?

JD: The most common issue is the weight of the bags when customers are supplied salt in this type of packaging. I’m always asked if the bags can be reduced in weight from their current 50 pounds; customers ask for smaller and lighter bags due to worker complaints and for liability reasons, 也. 一堆袋子重达2公斤,000 pounds containing 40 bags; larger customers will sometime go through a truckload or more a month of salt. Many customers have now opted for our standard 500-pound drums in lieu of having to handle bags. There are drum hoppers and auger feed systems that make life easier when transferring salt to a tank. 减轻50磅重的袋子的重量只会导致更频繁的搬运. Also, approaching a hot tank of molten salt with a 50-pound bag is not a desirable task. We put our minds together at Hubbard-Hall about this bag issue and came to the conclusion: why is it necessary for anyone to lift a bag of salt? 盐可以装在重达2000磅的超级袋中供应. 我们现在有了可以轻松输送盐的设备, and the only work required is for a forklift to set the super sack into position for delivery to the tank. This solves the desire of ever lighter bags and results in happier workers with less work-related injuries.


JD:是的,事实上,他们有. And one comment a customer offered as a result of switching to super sacks is “we’ll never go back to lifting bags again,盐线上的操作人员都点头表示同意.

Q: Has salt always been used in heat treating and what are some current trends looking forward?

JD:自20世纪50年代中期以来,人们就开始使用盐作为淬火介质. It has progressed since then to a viable market with ever-widening possibilities and uses. 就淬火介质和它的能力而言,盐是很难被击败的. 对于等温回火,没有其他介质或工艺可以与盐相媲美. More and more companies are installing systems for greater control of the metallurgy on the work they produce.

Q: Tell us about Hubbard-Hall’s line of products and how facilities are using them in their processes; let’s start with the Neutral Salt series: A, B, BS和C.

JD: The Hubbard-Hall website gives full details of each of our Neutral Salt products and it’s easy to access. The Neutral Salt series of products though are used in the high heat process and specific to the type of metal and/or alloy being treated. 中性盐B, 例如, 是否适用于碳钢的大部分等温回火作业. It’s a blend of chloride-based chemistries and able to reach and maintain the elevated temperatures necessary for proper heat treatment.

问:澳门威尼斯人网上赌场也有《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》系列:275, 300和430用于淬火和回火, 也适用于等温回火, 回火和等温淬火. 设施应该使用哪一种?

JD:急脾气, 哪些是硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的混合物, 都主要用作
高热过程后的淬火介质. 与每个快速回火产品相关联的数字表示其熔点. Some customers select the Quick Temp 275 if they’re quenching at a lower temperature to achieve a greater hardness of the work being processed. The Quick Temp 300 is the quench salt most often selected for austempering due to its optimal working temperature range. 再一次。, our website gives full detail of each of these products so that customers can determine which product ideally fits their specific needs.

Q: The other Hubbard-Hall product is the Quick Cure 420; how is that product used by customers?

JD: The Quick Cure 420 has been in use for decades as a salt medium for curing rubber products. 就像我们所有的盐产品一样, the Quick Cure 420 is a pure technical grade blend of salts that rubber manufacturing companies used on their extruded rubber products for curing.

问:如果有制造商问你为什么他们应该改用澳门威尼斯人网上赌场产品, 你能给他们几个理由吗?

JD:它不仅仅是提供顶级产品. Hubbard-Hall is a family-owned company that treats its customers as part of the family. Our accounts find Hubbard-Hall truly customer-oriented and very responsive to their requests and chemical needs. 我们为满足客户基础的各个方面感到自豪. 从提供质量控制的化学品到准时交货, 我们的客户放心,我们会尽最大努力不断赢得他们的信任. 事实上,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场35%的团队成员都是与客户互动的. 除了安全,客户永远是我们的第一要务.











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